Lecture "Cultural transfers in Oriental scholarship" ( in French: L'orientalisme au prisme des transferts culturels), Bibliothèque nationale, Paris, 24 November 2020.
Conference cycle "La France vue d'ailleurs", org. Cristina Ion, Antoine de Baecque, 2020-2021.
Lecture "Transcultural identities in postcolonial studies", Musée d'Aquitaine, Bordeaux, 2 April 2019.
Conference cycle "Sommes-nous les citoyens d'un même monde?", Musée d'Aquitaine, Spring 2019.
Roundtable "Tools of analysis of the relations between Asia and the West", Musée Guimet, Paris, 30 January 2019.
Keynote lecture: "Geopolitics of knowledge. The International Congress of Orientalists at the time of the Cold War, 1948-1973" (in French: Géopolitique du savoir. Le Congrès international des orientalistes à l'époque de la guerre froide, 1948-1973).
Conference "Linguistics and its historical forms of organization and production", S.H.E.S.L./Université Paris VII-Diderot, 24-26 January 2019.
Keynote lecture: "Integral Humanism? The International Congress of Orientalists and the Challenges of Interculturality".
Conference "Portuguese Orientalism(s)", Center for comparative studies, School of Arts and Humanities, Lisbon, 22-24 November 2018.
Lecture series "The transnational perspective in the history of knowledge" (La perspectivia transnacional en la historia de los saberes), Escuela de sciencias humanas, Universidad del Rosario, Bogota, 24-26 november 2017.